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Dr. Ed Lindoo

Success With Xojo In Improving Student Retention in Intro to Programming Classes

High failure and drop-out rates in introductory programming courses are a big con­cern for institutions, instructors and student’s. At Regis University (Denver) we had been running with a 50+ percent drop/fail rate in our intro course, for about the past 3 years. In our first redesigned class using Xojo (fall 2018) we went from an average of 50% + drop/fail rates to an 80% pass rate!

Dr. Lindoo is an Associate Professor at Regis University, teaching in the College of Computer Information Systems. While his primary duties involve business information systems, with his vast experience in programming he was tasked with turning around the drop/fail rates in the intro to programming course.

An interesting fact/hobby/interest that others may not know about you.
I fly gliders

Favorite TV show, band, and/or movie?
Favorite band is Kiss.

If you could survive on only one food or meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Popeyes Chicken, Pizza and beer, well some wine too