Antonio Rinaldi Xojo Extensions



A iosMobileTableExtended is an API2 subclass of the original MobileTable that add some useful features. Almost all the features are implemented as interface for your datasource so you can add only the methods for the features you really need.

Mobile iOS Table Extensions

  • Dark mode enabled - All the color features are usable for darkmode (iOS 13+)
  • Customize Swipe to reload - Set a custom color for the update wheel and show a custom text to the user
  • Table Header and Footer - Global Header and Footer
  • Custom section Header and footer (use MobileTableCustomCell)
  • Contextual Menu - Long touch on the cell to pop up a custom contextual menu
  • Side index - To show a menu on the right side, as in the Contacts application, to navigate quickly between table sections
  • TextEdit Fix - Fix to the bug that scrolls the entire view when a keyboard is shown; optionally control the distance from the top of the cell
  • Multiple Selection - You can enable the multiple selection editing
  • Search - You can use search with scope buttons



A new API2 class to show to the user the preview of any document (readable by the phone)

Mobile iOS Table Extensions

  • Single File - show the user as single file, with or without custom non the fly title
  • Multiple Files - show the user multiple files, starting with a specific one or the file list
  • Disable Sharing - You can disable the sharing button if needed



A new API2 class to use the UICollectionView with custom cells (MobileTableCustomCell).

This class uses interfaces to extend the datasource or the cell, so you can implement only the features that you need. With the inspector you can set the background color, the standard cell size, the space between cells, the scroll direction, the header and footer size and if they have to be linked (as they are in the MobileTable), enable/disable the dragReorder, the selection and if the selection can be a multiple selection.

Mobile iOS Table Extensions

  • Dark mode enabled - All the color features are usable for darkmode (iOS 13+)
  • Custom cell size - Can change the "standard" size on per cell basis.
  • Custom section Header and Footer - Use custom Header and/or footer for the sections (iOSCustomTableCell)
  • Move the cells - Trigger cell reorder by code
  • Cell Drag Reorder - Coordinate cell movement in your data source and choose whether to accept a position on per cell basis
  • Selection management - None, single or multiple on view basis, and accept, or don't accept, a selection on a cell basis
  • Scroll by code to a cell
  • Contextual Menu - Long touch on the cell to pop up a custom contextual menu
  • Partial Reload - Reload only the visible cells, the cells in a section or the cells in a group that you define
  • Cell reset - If the cell implements the interface, reset it at a class level before populating it with a data source
  • Swipe to reload - Set a custom color for the update wheel and show a custom text to the user and enable the refresh by Swipe
  • Lock scroll - if you create an interface fitted completely in a view you can avoid the user scroll



A new API2 class to use to stop the user from touching the interface while you are downloading something from the net or doing a long process.

Mobile iOS Table Extensions

  • Cover all the interface so the user will not able to use navigation buttons or other items
  • Optional Text - Show a custom text (multiple lines) to keep the user updated and set the font and the color
  • Optional Progress Wheel - Show an animated progress wheel with a custom color
  • Works between views - The code can navigate to a new view and still have the Waiting view active



A module and a collection of classes to extend the Xojo graphic object and add the capability of showing single or multiple value in a ring. Using colors, color groups, gradients and gradient based on color group. Show Sunburst structures (multiple rings with section) from as simple data structure (XML or JSON).

Mobile iOS Table Extensions

  • Both for desktop and iOS
  • Dark mode enabled - All the color features are usable for darkmode (also shading)
  • Circular Gradient - Radially blend your ring.
  • Local Gradient - Blend your Ring or sunburst using an auto adapting gradient
  • Single or Multiple value in a ring
  • Simple animation - for single value you can also define a simple animation
  • Sunburst - Show your structured data using a simple data format (XML or JSON), with info, colors and gradients.

See the sample applications

All components are sold as closed source. Contact the author for an open source release.